پنج‌شنبه ، 6 مارس 2025

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Before submitting an article, please review the About Us section of the IC Journal to learn about our mission and our values. This will improve the chances that your article or report will be accepted.


We accept articles or reports that are aligned with our mission and our values in both Farsi and English.


Your article must be newsworthy and on a topic that is likely to attract readers in the Iranian community in general and among Iranian-Canadians in particular.

The article must be original work and it should not have been published before in any other publications.

Your article should be no more than 1,000 words.

We value in-depth analysis that’s often missing from the coverage in mainstream media outlets.

Try to include perspectives of other subject matter experts and seek out opinion from related sources.

Include references and links for every quote and every fact you include in your piece. No Wikipedia links. Sources and references you use must be reliable and accurate.

Use appropriate language even when you are criticizing policies or actions you oppose.

Make sure you proofread your work before submitting it. Remove any grammatical errors or typos.

We review every article/report submission carefully. If your article/report is accepted, we will send you a confirmation email within 3 business days. IC Journal is led by a team of volunteers and with very limited resources. Unfortunately at this point we can only respond to submissions that we accept to publish and cannot provide further explanations. 

Once your article is accepted you must provide us with a short bio (max 150 words) within 1 day. Preferable include a brief bio in your initial pitch or article submission.

Please email all your submissions to info@icjournal.ca.