International Coordination Group Condemns Iran’s ‘Sham’ Trials Over Flight PS752 Downing, Calls for Justice for Victims


The International Coordination and Response Group for victims of Flight PS752 which includes the governments of Canada, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Ukraine, issued a joint statement today condemning Iran’s handling of the case surrounding the downing of the Ukrainian aircraft.

The group expressed its severe dissatisfaction with the recently announced verdicts in the criminal trials against those Iran has identified as the perpetrators. They referred to the trials as a “sham,” arguing that they served to distract from Iran’s failure to meet its international obligations and accept responsibility for its actions.

The statement highlighted the lack of truth or justice provided by the trials or the verdicts for the families of the victims, citing a lack of impartiality and transparency throughout the entire investigative process.

“The families of the 176 innocent victims are still waiting for the justice they deserve,” the statement reads. The group has vowed to continue standing in solidarity with the families and loved ones of the victims of Flight PS752, insisting they will not rest until justice has been served.