Leadership Candidate Alvin Tedjo “Deeply Disappointed” by Moridi’s Endorsement of Conservatives

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Ontario Liberal Leadership candidate Alvin Tedjo sent the following statement to the IC Journal in response to the report published yesterday about former Liberal MPP and Ontario Minister Reza Moridi endorsing the Conservative candidate in Richmond Hill. According to a letter the IC Journal has received, 100 Liberal members and supporters have sent a letter addressed to the Ontario Liberal party requesting the party leadership to publicly reject Moridi’s endorsement.

Statement from the Ontario Liberal Leadership Candidate Alvin Tedjo:

“Reza Moridi has been a lifelong champion of the Liberal Party and Liberal values. That’s why I am so deeply disappointed to learn that in this election he has chosen to endorse a candidate for a party that is fighting against real action on climate change and proposing to gut public services for Canadians.”

“I voted for and support my local Liberal candidate, because I believe in a progressive government that takes real action to fight climate change and supports vital public services.”